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The MEGA Murray Darling Microbat Project was a citizen science partnership project funded by the Australian Government under the Inspiring Australia – Science Engagement Programme between 2017-2019. The grant enabled the South Australian Museum to partner with the community and collect information on the lives of the microbats of the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin region.
So much was learnt about the 16 microbat species in this region, with 3000 new species records generated and information gathered on the links between species diversity, habitat type and condition.
The South Australian Museum partnered with the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resource Management Board (now Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board), the University of South Australia, Mid Murray Landcare SA and other local Landcare associations, to teach community members how to survey for bats. This project used ultrasonic bat detectors to record the calls of bats flying past during the night. Each species has an individual call pattern and from these recordings scientists could tell which species were present.
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